Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yes, Those Are Racquetballs

No need to worry anymore--the drought is over! To tell you the truth, I haven't really been neglecting my blog. It's just that...life has been rolling along as usual, busily, and without a lot of events in my mind that warranted pictures. And thus, couldn't possibly be worthy of the blog. But I have taken a couple and I figured I should probably write to say that I'm off to Nationals! We leave in about...3 hours. I'm pumped. And nervous. But mostly pumped. So, that being the main function of this post, here are some other random happenings. Just in case you're bored.

On Sunday, I made bread. For the very first time! Thank you Trudeaus for the delicious recipe. The best part is, it worked! And tasted good! I felt very accomplished. And domestic. Bring on the children! Haha. Just kidding. No kids yet. Please.
And also please try to ignore the fact that this is a really awful picture of me and focus your attention on the gorgeous bread. Thank you.

The other morning, I woke up and my hair looked like this. I know, right? Generally I wake up and look about the same as when I went to bed, but I could not tame this. I thought it was pretty hysterical. But then again, I think a lot of things are hysterical that really aren't. So, you be the judge.

And now for the randomest side note of them all, a couple weekends ago, I went to the Wilk on Saturday morning to watch Brian and his little sixth grade engineers compete with the robot Brian helped them build. The robot had to go up and over a set of stairs, and then go backward over them again. Brian's group was the only won that actually fully achieved that goal! It was awesome. I was so proud. That's why I took pictures. Like any good mother would do. Except I'm his sister. Here's a video of the sweet sweet victory.

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