Monday, May 16, 2011

Camels: Up Close and Personal

Remember how we went to that safari park when Jen and I visited Brian in Virginia? Well thanks to Brian's friend Emily, we have these fantastic pictures to behold of Jen and I being attacked by camels. I hope you enjoy them. Because I really do.

So naive. I had no idea what was coming...

They just up and stick their entire faces in the car!

I was literally using all of my strength to keep that
bucket in my hands. Because this is what happens if you don't...

They eat the buckets! Not just steal them--devour them.

But despite the bucket stealing, the smelly breath and the half-chewed, slobbery camel food
all over my lap, we somehow came away friends.

This guy was one friendly camel...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


This post is a little late but I got to spend Easter weekend with my parents and my sister and her family in Austin, TX! It was so great! The weekend also happened to coincide with Hailey's first birthday! I know what you guys are thinking, "Man, Ali hasn't talked about that darling niece of hers in ages!" Well never fear faithful readers, your wait is over!

Hailey is just about the cutest one year old this planet has ever seen. I got to ride in the back of the car with her everywhere we went and she would wave and say "hi" to all the trees. She also says "yeah" all the time and it's just awesome. I think she might have even liked me by the time I left. :)

Anyway, here are some pictures from the weekend.

This is my sister and Hailey opening one of Hailey's birthday presents. It's funny the things we do for one year old's on their birthdays. Like wrap presents. I mean, do they even know? But let's be honest, it made it fun. :)

One day we drove the two hours to San Antonio and enjoyed the beautiful river walk there. It was beautiful and a really good time.

This is Hailey in her Easter Sunday outfit. There are just no words for this cuteness.

Here's my mom and I at the Alamo. Remember it.

In San Antonio, we found a souvenir shop with some coon hats, fake rifles and a life size cardboard cutout of John Wayne. Naturally, the following pictures ensued.

And that was my trip to Texas! It was hot and humid and...awesome!
Yes I know, I make genius statements.