Saturday, April 18, 2009

Locked Out

Generally, I am a very structured person. I like to have plans and I like to stick to them. Spontaneity is not something I'm very good at. Which is why I think it's really good that days like today sometimes happen to me. This morning, I had a final. Of course, I didn't study for it Friday night, so I got up super early to go to campus and study and take my final. I was coming back home from my test this morning at 8:30 ready for my planned day; a quick nap, a run, shower, lunch and then studying. One problem: I was locked out. Last night, I played racquetball and left my keys in my racquetball bag. Oops.

So what did I do? I spent half an hour trying to break into my apartment. I unfortunately know it's possible because my roommate used to do it last semester. I couldn't figure it out though. I tried a few windows, a credit card in the door...nothin. So I went to Brian's. No answer. Then I see my good friend Lee. I convinced him to come back to my apartment and try to break in again. Because I thought, if anyone can break into an apartment, it would be Lee. We were unsuccessful but we did however do a service to mother nature. I have never been more disappointed not to have a camera. So I apologize for the lack of documentation because it would have been good. While trying to pry my bathroom window open, we saw a robin stuck upside down in a tree, with its foot caught in a string that was tied to a branch. So of course, Lee ran home for his pocket knife, climbed the tree and set the bird free. It was magical. Especially when the bird started attacking Lee. After a few more unsuccessful attempts at forcing ourselves into my apartment, I spent the next two hours watching Lord of the Rings with Macsen, Lee's roommate.

Long story short (too late, huh?), I didn't do anything I meant to do today. But somehow, I had a very fulfilling morning. I guess a little spontaneity does a body good. Especially in the middle of finals. So here's to hoping we all get locked out. Just once.


Stefanie Elyse said...

That is too funny. If anyone can get into a locked apartment, it's Lee :) He freed a bird? Did you recongize places in Lord of the Rings?

Megan said...

hooray spontaneity!!!

Russell said...

Ah yes, Lee has an amazing skill set.

Amy Collyer said...

The very first night my roommate this semester moved in she called me at one in the morning because she locked herself out. I still laugh about it. She was so embarrassed!

mb said...

I'm pretty sad that this was not documented with some photos

smalltoes said...

That story was so great. I'm still laughing. I know hard to believe, right? Way to have some bonding time with Macsen.