Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Call Me Rachel Ray

For my graduation from high school, my kind sister Jennifer gave me a Rachel Ray cookbook.  It's a great cookbook and believe it or not, I really do look at it often and think of making lots of things in it.  But I have unfortunately failed to ever put it into practice until--last weekend!  Jen and I were bored and hungry on a Friday night (a terrible combination) so we decided to make ourselves a delectable salmon dinner from my Rachel Ray cookbook.  It was stellar.  

Pretty, huh?  We had a great time making dinner and then finished the night off strong with a beautiful sunset and a few episodes of Planet Earth.  It was a night to remember. :)


Julie T said...

Awesome looking salmon, Rachel! And that looked like a beautiful camping trip with Brian and your cousins too! I can't wait to go camping--all but the sleeping bag part! Hope our tent doesnt' leak!

mb said...

That does look delicious to the max. I love the spinach salad thing underneath, looks delectable.