So a few weeks ago, I took a trip to Target with Ben, Natalie and Amy. Target is always a good time but this trip was especially great. On the way there, we came up with the amazing idea of: SHAKE WEEK '09!!! Basically it involves us making t-shirts and getting shakes every night for a week. Yeah. Expensive and fattening but... a good idea, right? So we did it. It was this past week. Turns out we had quite the gathering most nights.
Here we are making the shirts. We bought iron on letters and also some iron on paper to make a schedule of shake week but...we never quite got around to that part. This is Natalie's shirt. She accidentally ironed on the E backward. In her defense, it was a very easy thing to do. But no less funny because of that fact. We used frozen cheese to cool the letters.
Ironing on some letters.
Natalie, Amy, myself and Ben. Not a flattering picture, I know.
Tuesday, day 2: Dairy Queen
Wednesday, day 3: The BYU Creamery on Ninth
I apologize for Lee's indecency in the background...
Thursday, day 4: Ben was in Salt Lake but we still went to The Purple Turtle in American Fork. I'd never been there before but apparently it's a classic. So of course we had to go.
I am sorry to say that I don't have pictures of Friday or Saturday. On Friday, we had to drive through a McDonalds in Payson on the way to our Relief Society camp out in order to fulfill shake week. But don't worry, we still passed our shirts and a sharpie through the drive through window so they could be signed. Saturday, I am sorry to say, never came to fruition. We were planning to go to Iceberg for the big finale but alas, it was not to be.
So, I never thought I'd say it but last week--I got tired of shakes. I really did. It became a chore to go get them. However, it was a really good time. And hello? We made t-shirts! I'm really excited for the proposed edition to our shake week t-shirts, "Shake what shake week gave you." So...Shake Week '10? Not likely.
That is great!! I'm glad I got to share that with you guys, minus the T-shirts but all is well. Now I have to go for a run.
that is hilarious. i love the saying. wow
Yay for shake week! I'm so sad I wasn't able to get to be a part. But I found one or two places that might sell something similar...Shake Week: India...?
I was going to try to do it here but there are very few shake places in England and I figured I'd get sick of McDonald's every night. Plus I didn't make a shirt. So of course we'll have to have a Shake Week '10.
this makes me happy just thinking about it.
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