Monday, January 3, 2011

My Niece is Cuter Than Your Niece

I'm sorry if that's rude but...I just can't believe it's not true. This Christmas break was a great one. My whole family was home and it was just a much needed break and distraction from everyday life. We did a lot of pretty awesome things (pictures to come) but really, mostly we just sat around and watched Hailey, an 8-month old bundle of pure joy. And that was entertaining enough.

So...without further ado, I present to you, Hailey Marie Giles:

Hailey's hair has a mind of its own.
I love it. :)

Me and the girl of the hour.
This was after our family picture shoot so she
wasn't totally thrilled to be in yet another picture...

I don't know who did her hair like
that but it's pretty incredible.

Hailey loved Christmas morning.

If you can believe it, there are some even cuter ones out there from the break. I know, I know. You're thinking that this can't be possible. Well, it just is. I will post them when I have them.


Barb said...

She is very adorable!!

Abby Watson said...

cutie! I remember when I used to only have one niece or nephew. Now I have something like 22.

Tiffster said...

Oh my goodness. You may be right! What a sweetie! We miss your family! Hope all is well!

Shelley said...

Hi Ali,

I took that cute picture! I'm so glad you liked it.

Looking forward to your next visit!
Your mom & I had a rare hot chocolate and 1 hour of uninterrupted conversation today, Not as exciting as your activities but pretty great for us!
