Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lens Error

There is only one person who will fully appreciate this post--Stefanie Tanner. 

The other day, I got my camera out to take a picture.  This one as a matter of fact.
It was a fairly inconsequential picture.  Brad and I just happened to be eating a very large amount of tater tots at a rather late hour.  FYI--in case you're wondering this was not a good idea.  Playing racquetball the next morning did not feel so good...

So after my faithful camera took this picture, the unthinkable happened.  It made some really ugly, uncomfortable grinding noises and then beeped and flashed to me the angry message, "Lens error.  Restart camera."  Well, it's sort of hard to restart a camera that is never truly on or off but in limbo because its lens won't close.  To all of you who aren't Stefanie, in New Zealand, Stefanie's camera (which happens to be the exact model I have now...) had a "lens error" and then...it was no more.  So I was pretty worried.

Don't you worry though--this story has a happy ending.  With some coaxing from friends, I realized that I have not yet had my camera for a year and it is most likely still under warranty.  Well, it is and I called Canon and this nice man from India helped me ship it off to Virginia to be worked on for FREE and returned to me within 7 business days from yesterday.  Holla.

So take a few deep breaths.  This picture hiatus will only be temporary.  And hopefully when they resume, I'll have something more exciting than tater tots to show to you.

1 comment:

Stefanie Elyse said...

Oh. My. Gosh. You better believe that when I saw the post titled "Lens Error" I stopped everything I was doing and followed the link immediately. I will pray for you and your camera.