Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reasons why I love Utah

Welcome to spring in Provo.  Granted, it may be slightly more enjoyable if I wasn't taking classes but was making money instead.  But what can you do?  Classes aren't swamping me yet, which is always a good thing, and I'm finding time to do everything I love about spring in Utah.  Here's just a few examples (sorry ahead of time that I don't have pictures of everything):
  • Hiking.  I love to hike.  It's really just walking for a long time, uphill, if you think about it, but there's just something inexplicably fantastic about it.  I think most of the enjoyment really comes from the views that come when you get to the top.  
  • Bonfires.  You just can't beat a good bonfire.  On Friday, we hiked up rock canyon about two miles to a fun little cave and had a bonfire.  It was a great time.  Fire, hotdogs, mallows.  Those three things in one place basically spell happiness.
  • Mountain Biking.  Last spring, I took a mountain biking class.  And it was awesome.  This year, my roommates and my brother are all taking the class so a friend and I decided to audit the class so we could go with them on all their rides.  Mountain biking is probably the most physically demanding and terrifying thing I have ever done.  That's probably why I love it so much. :)

  • Rock Climbing. Thanks to Ben first of all, for having the equipment needed to make this awesomeness happen.  I love rock climbing.  We went for on Friday for a few hours and took some pretty great pictures.  I'm really not very good but we've already gone a couple times this spring so I'm hoping we'll keep going pretty regularly throughout the summer.
  • Oh, and rock climbing also provides sweet views.  As demonstrated below (not above...)

  • Intramural Sports.  Ok.  You got me.  These are fun all year round.  But only in the spring do they have...kickball.  Our first game was on Thursday and it was a pretty good time.  The best part is, very few people (and no sane ones) take the game of kickball too seriously.  So it's really just a bunch of college kids reliving 5th grade.  What could be better than that?  Sweet action shot, huh? :)
  • Ultimate Frisbee.  I haven't gotten around to playing this yet but the day is coming and I can't wait.  Frisbee is another thing that I'm really not very good at.  Actually, I'm really not good at all, but heck, it's fun, and it's spring, so I'm going to play. :)

  • Camping.  Haven't done this yet either but you better believe that I will.  Hopefully I'll sleep better than my last experience sleeping in a tent when we all woke up feeling a little bit like this...

  • But again, somehow, it's fun.

    Ok, my apologies for the spastic bullet points in this post.  I think this is the last time I'll ever try to use bullet points in a blog post.  Maybe I'm the confused one, but it feels to me that blogger is just throwing in bullet points whenever it wants to.  And the spacing is a little off...  Anyway, the point is, it's spring and I'm having a good time.  I'm excited to keep enjoying the outdoors and the good weather.  


Megan said...

I LOVE SPRING IN PROVO!! wish i was there. a little :)

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Hot dang! It hasn't even been a month and you're milking this Popsicle stand for all it's worth!

And do you want to go camping/backpacking 22-23? I'm trying to get a group together. A humongo part of me just wants to head up the foothills and camp up there. Alas, I have no phone, so invitations have become hard to make

Amy Collyer said...

Spring in Provo really is awesome!