Monday, February 15, 2010

Vancouver 2010

Olympic Party=the most people we've ever had in our apartment.

Sorry about the lack of news since Seattle. I guess everything in Provo just kind of paled in comparison. But...lucky for you we had some action this weekend. Friday night the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics began!! And we celebrated in style. My roommates and I really aren't big party-ers, but if anything warrants a celebration--it's the Olympics. The opening ceremonies, as they tend to be, were a little slow (but good, mind you). But luckily we had plenty of Olympic-themed food to fill the time.

Jen definitely wins the prize for creativity. She ended up coming at the last minute and just pulled this lovely snack right out of thin air! In case you can't tell, that's a block of cream cheese with the Olympic rings on it made out of cabbage, an olive and peppers. She didn't want me to post this picture for some reason but how could I leave that out? (For some reason, google thinks it's awesome to rotate this picture sideways...but use your imagination and flip it around.)

This is our lovely snack table. In case you can't read that brown mess at the top of the rice krispie awesomeness, it's "Vancouver" written with no-bake cookies. We tried.

Another attempt. I thought it might work well to make Olympic rings out of crescent rolls. really didn't.

And the prize goes to Michael Barney. Look at that! Thanks for the truly epic dessert Mike!

Turns out that black ring above? Yeah, it turns your tongue totally black. Pretty fantastic.

Everyone, I hope you enjoy these next two weeks and the magic the Olympics will bring to your lives.


mb said...

So maybe I'm obsessed with those rice krispies. that is talent.

and I LOVE the Olympics. I wish it wouldn't end....

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Why are your parties so cool?!

World of Wife Craft said...

Okay, now I am completely jealous. This post made me home sick. I am glad you guys had a great time. I would have loved to be there.

Michael Barney said...

What a great night! We should probably do it again's August of 2012 sound?!