Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Let me out!

Here's a picture of where I've been living this summer:

That's right--a double wide trailer. And just to make sure
we fit in with our redneck neighbors...

We have a toilet on our back porch.

So it's been quite the experience sharing this tiny, somewhat dilapidated space with 17 other girls. Mostly, it's really been ok. But this morning, I lost all patience with my summer home. I got up early this morning to get ready for work and walked to the bathroom. Sometime between about 12:30am and 6:30 am, the bathroom door had been ripped from its hinges. The top one was completely off and the bottom hinge was holding the door at a rakish angle by one screw. Shaking my head, I squeezed into the bathroom and attempted to close the door. But the door wasn't even the last straw--the lack of toilet paper was.

How many more days do I have to live here? SEVEN!!!! And they couldn't be over fast enough.


Jennifer said...

Haha! How have I been there so many times and never seen the toilet on the back porch?! That's hilarious. But I am sorry about the bathroom situation. No good. Just a few more days. You can do it!

Brian said...

Just when I was beginning to fit in with people down here by telling them I have relatives that live in trailers too, you want to leave. Oh well.

Marie said...

Hang in there!! It will all soon be just one eventful summer to recall:)! (Can't wait to see you on Monday!!)

Chins up! Waddle Forth! said...

Is wasn't the bathroom in the "Master Bedroom" was it? Cause that might have been my fault. I broke that door the day before I left.