Monday, September 20, 2010

Good resolve, bad memory

I would like to apologize. My resolve for taking my camera places has not diminished. However, it appears that my memory has. This weekend I took a little trip down to Moab and even experienced Melon Days in Green River, Utah and--I forgot my camera in Provo. Some good it was doing me there. So...rats. No pictures again. My next outing--I will remember my camera. I'll have to make something exciting happen soon.

In the meantime, you can feast your eyes on this. It's not really very impressive, but when I was down in Moab, I went and picked up a CD of some pictures of me guiding on the river. There's a company that takes pictures every day that people can buy (kind of like when you're on a roller coaster...). So, this is the best one by far.

By the way, this was my first day ever guiding (I'm in the back of the boat with the white hat--staying dry) and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Don't worry--I faked it really well.

1 comment:

Emelro said...

holy cow, you guided those tours? i could never do that!! p.s. you look pro.