Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am hereby now officially resolved to take more pictures. When I first came to college, I was really camera happy. Somehow, semester after semester, that trait has left me. But you know what? My life still consists of some exciting things (or at the very least things I deem exciting...) and those things warrant pictures. Right? Right!

If you are wondering where this resolve came from...it was this:
This is the best picture I have from seeing Lion King (the musical) in Salt Lake last weekend. It was incredible. ...and this is really the best picture I could muster? I really think I could have done better. So here's to hoping there might actually be something good to look at on my blog this semester (not that Jen and I growling--you know, like lions-- isn't good to look at...).

PS--My sister is awesome. That's really all you need to know.


Barb said...

You guys crack me up.

Jennifer said...

Haha. :) Thanks, Ali.