Monday, April 12, 2010

The Results Are In

So Nationals was good. Not as good as last year--but still good. As a team we definitely did much better last year (girls placing second last year and only seventh this year) and I guess if you look at the results I did better last year too. However, I think I played the best racquetball I ever have this week so that's what counts right? Anyway, I lost my first game in both singles and doubles but then proceeded to rather easily win every other match I played. So technically, I'm the winner of the losers. Really....I like to tell myself that I could have beaten all but two girls in my division and heck, we should have flat out won doubles if we would have played a little better. But what can you do? It was fun and for some reason they still gave me two gold medals. So I'll take it.

I love how nasty I look. I'd just played eight games of racquetball so you can't exactly blame me. And this is pretty much the only picture worth posting I have. And I had to get this one from my parents. Turns out I left my camera at the hotel--every day.

So just like that, tomorrow's the last day of school. Crazy right? I don't think I'm quite ready for everything that entails; finals, packing, storing my stuff, leaving for Moab, saying goodbye, taking the GRE, actually becoming proactive about applying for PA school...growing up is rather burdensome. My grandpa always told us, "Don't get old!" I guess that's good advice but right about now I'm wishing I'd listened to Peter Pan a bit more and stayed a kid. Too late for that, huh?

Happy Monday. Have a great week!


Marcindra LaPriel said...

The good ol' Peter Pan syndrome. It never fails.

Michael Barney said...

1st place! Congrats Ali! And I'm not too fond of the "saying goodbye" part but I'll be down for a visit, deal?