Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Here's a few quick random updates from my life.

A couple weekends ago, Jen and I were able to go to the first
session of general conference at the conference center in Salt Lake.
It was a good time. And sunny. That's why we all look really weird.
Jen's roommate Jen (yes, it's confusing) and her friend Mary came with us.

We had wicked good seats. This is taken from my camera without
any zoom. I think we were about 15 rows from the front.

Jen begged me not to put this picture on here but I just can't help myself.
I think it's hilarious! I obviously caught Jen rather off guard as she was
chewing her headache-preventative granola bar.

About a month ago I bought a bookshelf. One of those $25 ones from Walmart.
Thus, I didn't have very high expectations for it. But is it too much
to ask that the bookshelf be completely vertical?

Apparently those stipulations are more than Walmart can handle. They told me they'd give me a new one if I brought this one back in but it's not exactly easy to take apart and...I just don't think it's going to fit in the back of a sentra. So I decided, what the heck. We are just going to embrace this topsy-turvy piece of furniture. And you know what, I think it was a great decision.

Today I came home from school to do some homework and our toilet was running. It's been doing this a lot lately. Marie's fiancé (gotta love fiancés!) told us he'd fix it but he hasn't gotten around to it. I was pretty annoyed by the constant running water so I decided to fix it. Since I had no idea how to do that, this is the best I came up with:

A hair tie and a twist tie. Maybe I missed my
calling as an engineer somewhere along the road?


Stefanie Hathaway said...
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Barb said...

What a nice sister you are! Ha ha!

Jennifer said...

OH man. What a terrible picture! But those are some sweet engineering skills. Want to come fix my toilet?

Emelro said...

hahaha that is amazing, ali. i would have never thought of that!

AmyH said...

Haha- we have that bookcase! It's even a little sadder b/c I bought it secondhand and the back piece was gone. We put it in the corner and nailed it to the wall. Good thing we're staying awhile:) You need to come by sometime- we're home all day:) I'd love to see you while you're still in provo

Chins up! Waddle Forth! said...

I think the bookcase has character. I dig it. I've been doing some home improvement projects myself. My latest involves branches from my old plum tree and paper cranes. I'll be posting about it soon... ish.