Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Live Here

Last week, by some miracle, I ended up with a free day. All my classes but one were cancelled and we had no soccer practice. So...Brian and I decided that we would go on a hike. Great idea, right? I spent the afternoon before our hike researching places in the area to go. We'd both been on all the run of the mill Provo hikes so we wanted something a little different. Finally, I found a good one up American Fork Canyon. It was awesome. We were the only people on the trail. I guess that's not really a surprise though seeing as how the road to get there was the bumpiest gravel road I have ever seen. Lee came along for the trip and we had an awesome time. I think we all got a chance to remember what a gorgeous place this is, and how much we love the outdoors.
I know this picture is blurry but...I still really like it.

That next Sunday, we organized three carloads from the ward to go up the Alpine Loop (just up Provo Canyon--by Sundance) to go on a drive and witness the beauty that is--mountains. Turns out, we all got a little tired of the car, so we had a small photoshoot. It was a good time. I live here. Isn't that awesome?

The guys. It might be hard to tell in the picture, but for some reason, they were all saying, "Arrrr!" Like pirates. Yeah, who knows. But, they are my friends so what can I do...

I know this picture is a little interesting but I'm kind of in love with it. Probably mostly because it appears that Megan has no body. Look?! Do you see that?? Crazy, right?

1 comment:

Stefanie Elyse said...

wow. that is quite the picture. I was nervous you were "starting to blog again" and then just doing one post. Now I check today and there are 2 new ones! Oh happy day :)