Friday, September 26, 2008

The Office + Russell = One Flippin' Awesome Party

Yesterday was a historic day. Not only was it the season priemiere of The Office but, it was also Russell Dibb's birthday. Russell is just this guy I know. Ha. ok, ok. We're dating. Anyway, yesterday was his 23rd birthday. I felt sort of bad because I had such a crazy day that I wasn't really able to do anything for him for his birthday. It was also my night to cook for dinner group so I invited him over to partake. After dinner, a whole bunch of us went over to Brian and Kirby's apartment to watch The Office. It was pretty great.
So, I know what you might be thinking: Why, if Russell is dating Alison, did she put a picture of Russell and Megan on her blog? Well, a couple reasons. One, the picture of Russell and I is funny-looking. And two, Megan and Russell have affectionally termed each other Megs and Rusty respectively. So glad to see the two of them are getting along nicely. :)

The best part of the whole thing was the cake we made. It was a three-way effort. I made the cake. Probably the easiest part of the process. Molly did the thinking. We were attempting to combine the theme of Russell's birthday with The Office. And she was successful at creating that image. And Megan, was the artist. Below, is the final product. Yes, be amazed.


Megan said...

Nice post. I like that picture of Rusty and I. Nice touch. I never realized how tall he

Stefanie Elyse said...

Can I see the picture of you and Russel please? He is... tall. I watched the office because I got pressured into it- but I still didn't like it. Did you get that I now believe in dinosaurs? And my favorite part of the post was that Molly did the thinking! Oh, and I didn't even recognize Megan. Turns out I have a lot to update you on. My life is under control and moving right along :)

Ashley Shae said...

Ali, good to hear an's agghh been awhile since I updated my blog...I should get around to that, but probably won't, lets be honest. The cake looks delicious! You should make me one someday? And stef good to hear your life is under control...I'd like an update too!

mb said...

well I'm glad I am the LAST to know about your blog. I'm deeply offended. I mean, seriously. I'm so serious about that you can call me Sirius Black. YEAH.

Um, cool cake. I love the office. Russell is tall, it's true, get a pic of you two.....or else.