Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sneak Peek

This weekend I got a preview into what my summer is going to be like. And I definitely liked what I saw. Good ole Western River invited the Moab Adventure Center (MAC) new hires (that would be me...) down for the weekend to experience some of the "adventures" we'll be selling on the job. It was awesome. A bit chilly but...great.

The trip started out with a sunset hummer tour. This was way fun. And our guide was hilarious. He should be a hoot to work with.

On Saturday morning we took a guided hike through the fiery furnace in Arches National Park. Before letting us in, the park service made us watch the most threatening informational video I have ever seen. But that's another story.

I was surprised by the amount of small spaces we had to go through in the park. However, I was also surprised at how not freaked out they made me. It probably had something to do with the fact that you could see the other side through all the cracks and people much bigger than me were in front of me. Always a good rule of thumb.

Saturday afternoon we went "canyoneering". Which I found out this weekend basically means you do whatever you need to get from point A to B. So we hiked a little, then rapelled down a couple cliff faces and hiked some more. It was, of course, amazing. The second rapel was especially awesome because it was off of a natural bridge. That means you just hang in the middle of the air and let yourself down. It was so sweet.

And these are the kids that come August I will either love to death or hate. I'm banking on the former. These are all the new hires. And I know, my helmet is ridiculously crooked. Can you believe no one told me until after this picture? I'd had that helmet on for a good 45 minutes before this too. Geez, some friends.

So bring it on! Summer 2010!!!


timsspencer said...

Is that you hanging in mid air by a rope?? I don't think I could do that!

Jennifer said...

Moab, here I come!! That place is beautiful. I can't wait to come see you AND it!

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Once again, I'm jealous. Why is your life so freaking cool?

P.S. The helmet is what makes that picture what it is!