Thursday, December 18, 2008
Gingerbread Courts
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Birthday Boy
The Giving of Thanks
Twilight: The Movie
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ten Years Ago...
I think the best part of being roommates (and I guess having Brian and Kirby in the ward too…) is reliving all of our past years of craziness. Turns out, we were really something. Our blasts from the past include movies we made, golf cart rides we made up, weeks of the tooty tot in the hyperization room after church… it’s great.
All we are, we are
The man himself.
Matt and his band were pretty incredible. He was a really funny entertaining guy. I think Molly fell in love, and the rest of us just enjoyed seeing along to songs we know only too well. What fun.
Also, this concert was at The Avalon. It took a phone call with Mom for that name to really resonate with me. The Avalon is an old movie theater in downtown Salt Lake that my mom used to go to all the time as a kid. Even more exciting, my grandparents went on their first date there! My uncle is an artist and has recently taken to re-doing vintage signs and made one of the Avalon for my grandma and it is now hanging in her kitchen. Oddly enough, we went to visit her the day after the concert , so Brian and I took a picture of ourselves standing outside with the sign. Upon future comparison, we discovered that my uncle is a genius and replicated the sign almost exactly. Just a fun fact.
And maybe if I have time I’ll try to figure out how to get some of Matt Nathanson’s music to stream on my blog…
Harold B. Lee and his library
Somehow, speed scrabble evolved into looking at pictures off of my camera while plugged into a TV. And of course, you can't have a camera plugged into a TV without taking pictures while everyone can see themselves on the big screen. It's like seeing people wave at themselves at megatrons at basketball games, you know? Funny, right?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2k8
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Again, I apologize. I'm sure there must be some of you out there wondering if I'm still alive. Well, no worries. I am. And I'm here to tell you about my latest adventure. Last weekend, the BYU racquetball team (of which I am part, if any of you didn't know that) had a tournament in Logan. It was a blast! I love racquetball and I love the people on the team. So really, there was nothing to lose. We all met at the courts at 2 to take the good ole BYU vans up to Logan. The ride was hot, squishy and just on the whole uncomfortable, but Megan and I watched 21 on my iPod. So that helped.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Yes, it is what you think. That is a giraffe made out of rice krispie treats. I know right! Oh the advantages of living with an art major. Alyssa is also the mastermind behind the most amazing cake I have ever tasted. I think she's made it about five times in the past week or so, and it's still good.
On Friday night, we opened Molly's presents! It was fun and the faces Molly made while she opened them was probably the best. A little confused but...excited!... about a planner. She really was excited, whoever gave this to her--don't be offended. I just caught her in a passing moment of perplexity.
And this is a direct quote: "I've always wanted my own bandaids!"
And that was Molly's birthday.