Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Emotional Roller Coasters

I’ve decided that I make my own emotional roller coasters. Life is generally only hard because I insist on making it that way. I have experienced this most recently with racquetball. For those of you who may not know, I am on the BYU racquetball team. Trust me, it exists. Either that or it’s an extremely elaborate hoax… There are 24 members on the team—12 guys, 12 girls. At least we started with 12. After one pregnancy, one mission, and one hip injury, the girl’s team is now down to nine competing members. This entire semester, every day at practice has been part of a challenge ladder to assemble the nationals team. This team is comprised of the top six men and six women on the team who will compete in the intercollegiate nationals this April in Arizona. Basically, all this means is that I’ve been a nervous wreck all semester. It’s been a long couple of months, complete with drama, tears, wins, losses, and eventually my feeling certain that I was not going to nationals. To my complete and utter amazement, I checked my email on Friday afternoon, butterflies in my stomach, to see my name in the last slot on the roster for the girl’s nationals team. I seriously just sat there, at a kiosk in the Wilk, and stared at the screen, not really knowing what to think. So, I’m going to nationals. It’s crazy! I’m still a little confused how it all worked out and how on earth I managed to achieve something so wicked cool but it is what it is I suppose and now…I just have to get a lot better at racquetball before April. So that’s the update. I thought you might all appreciate knowing.

Hey that's what I look like playing racquetball!  Or...maybe not.  But--close. :)  Just for the record, I do have some pretty sweet dives to my name.


Megan said...

alison, you look like a man in that picture. scary. hey! congrats again.

Julie T said...

Hot ziggs, Alison! Congratulations on making the team! That just goes to show we should never short change ourselves! Who KNOWS what we can do til we give it our all???