Monday, January 5, 2009

Deja Vu

Molly and Kirby's mom, Suzanne, came out to Provo the last few days of the semester.  It was super fun to have her out there.  Not only did I enjoy the residual effects of having a mother around, but she also supplied us with crafts!  When Molly, Kirby, Brian and I were younger and crazier, Suzanne used to always pick up little crafts that became ornaments to keep us out of trouble.  So this year, for old times sake (and for a flat out good time) Suzanne came prepared with 
ornament crafts.  Thanks for the blast to the past!  

Ok, this video is really obnoxious I know.  I watched it the other day and thought it was hysterical mostly just because of Brian's antics.  But really, posting the video was just an experiment because I've never done it before.  The consensus is: it takes too long. 

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